LCAC Board of Directors

  • Cristina Wolfe

    Board President

    Development Committee Director

    Education Coordinator for UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine

  • David Lasky

    Board Vice President

    High School English Teacher

  • Kathey Guttersen

    Board Treasurer

    Event Space Liaison

    Retired Office Manager

  • Maryann Johnston

    Board Secretary

    Youth Outreach and Education Committee Director

    Retired Nurse

  • Liz Johnson

    Warehouse and Costume Manager

  • Rick Willsey

    Production Committee Director

    Retired Risk Manager

  • Maureen "Mo" Chism

    Retired Journalist

    Volunteer Manager

  • Clyde Johnston

    Principal Agent for Roanoke Valley Insurance

Exciting News from the Lakeland Cultural Arts Community!

A new Board of Directors has been installed at LCAC, having weekly meetings in order to get the ball rolling on this year’s productions. Our members have been involved with the theater for many years, bringing with them immeasurable experience and skills.

While LCAC may no longer manage the physical building that we have traditionally performed in, we are very thankful for the friendly community relationship we have established with The Acorn Center. Our goal between the two different organizations is to ensure Mark E. Taylor’s commitment to the cultural development of the area stays alive and thriving, as well as bringing that commitment to our surrounding communities and stages.

We are presently planning a Community Board Event for the early summer where the community will be able to talk, socialize, and network with the Board and learn more about the goals and initiatives for Lakeland. We are currently planning to have three to four mainstage productions, with several other events at smaller venues throughout the year.

We want the community to be a part of this exciting revival of LCAC, and we have many opportunities for volunteers. As a performing arts community, we truly believe that theater is transformative for our youth, and they will ensure our future successes. Come join us and discover the friendships and camaraderie of our theater family.

Come get involved and grow with us. The best is yet to be!